Hubtel WordPress Plugin For Woocommerce


NOTE: This plugin is in no way affiliated with Hubtel. It’s developed by an independent developer. All issues encountered must be addressed to the developer and not Hubtel.


Download Plugin here


Contact the developer at:

This plugin helps you integrate Hubtel as a payment gateway for your Woocommerce/WordPress website.

Your customers will be able to pay you with any mobile money wallet and bank card issued in Ghana.

It’s an easy way to accept payment on your website that runs on WordPress/Woocommerce.


How to install and activate the plugin

  1. Go to WordPress dashboard and navigate to the plugins section
  2. Click “Add New Plugin”
  3. Click “Upload Plugin”
  4. Upload the plugin you purchased
  5. Install and activate the plugin
  6. Navigate to “WooCommerce” > Settings to configure the plugin
  7. Go to the “Payments” tab to configure the plugin
  8. Enable the plugin and click “Manage”
  9. Fill in all the required details and save:
    All these details can be obtained from your account manager on Hubtel, if you’re a merchant.
    For customers, you can obtain your details from
    – Choose user type: Merchant or Consumer
    – Merchant Account number
    – Client ID/API key
    – Client secret / API secret
  10. You’re all set. Your customers will now see the options to pay with Mobile Money or bank card when they are checking out on your site.



NOTE: There are two types of users on Hubtel

  1. Customers or Consumers
  2. Merchants or Businesses

Depending on the type of user you are, your process of obtaining your client keys will differ.

First let’s starts with Customers/Consumers

What you need


  1. Client ID – Obtained from:
  2. Client Secret – Obtained: from
  3. Sender Nickname or ID – Obtained from:
  4. Plugin activation key – Click to purchase: Buy activation code

Merchants or Businesses

  1. API Key (password) – Obtained from:
  2. API ID (username) – Obtained: from:
  3. Sender Nickname or ID – Obtained from:
  4. Plugin activation key – Click to purchase: Buy activation code


Adjei Kofi
Adjei Kofi

Product Manager | Blogger | UX/UI Designer | Web Designer

Articles: 74


  1. Hi, great write up there. I did like to ask for the hubtel SDK for android also. If its available kindly share me a link.

    • Sure. Check the Hubtel developers page: You’ll find the SDK for all platforms there. Cheers.

  2. 1. Do you have plugin with Shopify
    2. If my WordPress store is in USD can I receive payments into my cedi bank account in ghana. What about Shopify

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