How To Create A Blog For Free

If you're good at something, write about it. Here's how to create your own free blog website.

Everyone should be a writer/blogger. Why? Writing makes you express your skills, business, and adventures so everyone knows what you’re about. It’s an awesome way to tell everyone what you’re up to (so they know how to relate). Plus, you can make money from it 🙂

Like I always say: “If you’re good in something, write a book about it”.
In this case, your free option is to start a blog. Everyone has gone digital (almost). So it makes sense to go in that direction. Plus it’s free.

There are many great options when it comes to tools used for blogging. Today I’ll discuss how to use WordPress. Drop a comment if you have any more recommendations or want me to add more options for you. In a lter post, we’ll look at how to use to accomplish same.

Let’s dive in.


You may have heard of WordPress countless times. And that’s for good reason. WordPress powers over 37% of the internet That’s a huge number considering the billions of websites we have today.
WordPress started as a blogging tool, and has now extended to become a powerful website building tool. This website/blog runs on WordPress actually.

To get started, simply head over to and create an account with your email.

Once your account is setup, you can go ahead and fill in the details about your blog.

The next step is to choose an address for you blog. This is the link you give to people who want to visit your blog. Make sure it’s unique to what you’ll be writing about so it’s relatable. Select the free option,

At this point, you’re done. Follow any further steps that may show up. You’ll be directed to your dashboard so you can start some writing magic.

Adjei Kofi
Adjei Kofi

Product Manager | Blogger | UX/UI Designer | Web Designer

Articles: 74

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